I’m currently writing this while 29 weeks pregnant with my second child. You know it’s the second because I had to look up how many weeks pregnant I was! I need to get ready for a second baby!
This go round with pregnancy has been so different than my first. Which, I knew was going to happen, but I didn’t know how.
At first my symptoms were basically the same. Physically, I felt ok, I did start showing earlier, but other than that, most people in my life didn’t even suspect a thing as I could carry on as normal. Because I had lost a baby the year before, I preferred it that way.

I didn’t start telling people until the week before we knew the sex of baby #2, and that’s at 20 weeks. And then, I only told close family and friends. I still wasn’t ready to broadcast to the world that we were expecting out of fear that something might happen.
And if I’m completely honest, I still have this lingering concern which won’t subside until I see this baby with my own eyes, ok!
So, how will I get ready?
Now I’m in the third trimester with just a few weeks to go and realizing that it really has been a different pregnancy. I had to purchase a few things just to make it through, which I didn’t do with my first.
Of course, it’s only natural for your body to be a little looser the next go round because your body has done this before and never got as tight as it once was.
I’m WAY more tired that I ever expected to be. I’ve been tired since week 12, but I figured second trimester energy would kick in. Spoiler alert – it never did.
Now, I’m nearing the end and in addition to all of these changes, I’ve been slacking on the preparation for the baby coming. Sure, we have plenty of things from my first which will be used as I’m having another boy being born in the same month. So everything should fit and should still work just fine.

But, there’s plenty of things we need – and that I want because I never got around to purchasing it with my first to get ready for a second baby.
Along with the physical preparation I’ve decided I want to be as mentally prepared for the unknown as possible. If that makes sense. I know it will be tough – I keep hearing that adding a second is like adding five children. How?!?!
I probably won’t know exactly how until I get there – just like you don’t know how hard marriage is until you’re married, or you don’t know how different a second pregnancy will be until you’re in it.
So, in the meantime while I get my mind right I asked all of you on Instagram how I could start preparing and you all showed out with the advice and kind words to get ready for a second baby! Thank you so much.
If you’re in the same boat – trying to get ready for a second, third, or fourth baby, heed the advice below from some wise women – and join us on Instagram for more advice!
I was so in to having it together and being a mommy to my two that I stopped doing things that made me feel my best. Find YOU time. Schedule it if you have to. Don’t let anyone guilt you out of it (they will try). You can’t pour from anyone empty cup.
Continue to rest and enjoy these last couple of months❤️ Out firstborns often show us our shortcomings, but they also give us a huge advantage for baby #2. Trust that you will do a wonderful job just like you did the first time, and you have the perfect little helper plus companion for your new addition ??? You got this girl!
♥️My biggest advice is always to ask for help. It’s easy to think feel like well I’ve done this before so I’m good! The early months of having a baby and toddler together are INTENSE. As much as possible make sure you are taken care of, food and healthy snacks on deck! Come up with a plan for times that are the most chaotic, mornings and bath/dinner time usually top the list. And did I say ask for help? With meal prepping, tidying the house, entertaining the toddler! All the things. That and plenty of grace as you are navigating this new journey.
My advice would be to think about the unnecessary things in your life that are taking your time. Your time is precious and you want to be in control of it.
You got this mama. Just brace yourself & remember to always take moments to whoosah.
My biggest regret was not having a doula…I will definitely have one for the next pregnancy and advice everyone else to invest in that service. ?
Just continue to relax as much as you can and not stress about anything! ❤️
[…] So, I’ve been working to quell my complaining as much as possible, because I’ve had a pregnancy in the summer before and I know it’s difficult. But I asked and prepared for this child – or at least I’m beginning to prepare, so IR… […]