This post was sponsored by, however, as always, all opinions expressed are entirely my own. Today I talked with Jazz Smollett on how to have the hard discussions with…
black motherhood
The struggles of not living near family – how Onyi Azih makes it work with two young boys
This post was sponsored by, however, as always, all opinions expressed are entirely my own. Today on the podcast I interview Onyi Azih! We discuss how not living near…
Episode 77: You Need Endurance to Run This Mom Race
It is half way through the year and time to take inventory of what place we are in and how much endurance we have to finish strong. Yes, 6 months…
Episode 75: Deciding What Stays and What Goes in Your Life with Candice Thomas
Candice Thomas is a proponent of deciding what stays and what goes in her life. She notes that we don’t have to give in to everything that comes to our…
Episode 74: The Effects of Being Constantly Plugged In
Today’s solo episode is all about what we are plugged into and how we can use that to lean in when times get hard. I’m constantly plugged in. I mainly…
Episode 64: Experiencing All Stages of Motherhood with Chrystal Evans Hurst
Chrystal Evans Hurst has experienced just about all of the stages of motherhood. As a young mom, she had a process and tight schedule early on because she was so…