Jacquelyn Rodgers is another creative mom that I’m trying to keep up with! We talk about how she continues her love of being creative to cover up mommy guilt. She…
mom guilt
Mom Guilt and Why It’s Total BS!
WHY WHY WHY do moms get all the mom guilt?? Well, I can’t speak on dads but from what I know and hear from other moms I’m pretty sure it’s…
How Do I Start Finding Free Time as a Busy Working Mom?
Lately I’m having trouble finding free time. My time has been spent caring for a newborn, entertaining a threenager, making life decisions with my husband, and doing endless loads of…
GUILT: My State of Being
My friends and I joke about mom guilt all the time. There is always something we haven’t done enough of, someone we haven’t satisfied, or some arbitrary goal we haven’t…
Episode 56: What Working With Your Husband Looks Like with Kariss Farris
Kariss Farris is a mom, wife, photographer, and blogger working with her husband. She met her now husband in college and had a different vision for her life. She was…
Episode 22 – What You Need to Know About Excuses, 4 Mom Myths
We all have our reasons for why we do the things we do – and sometimes those reasons are really just excuses that hold us back. Today I’m tackling…