Communication is one of the biggest factors in allowing my guest today, Shavone Riggins, to truly get to know and enjoy her children. As a mom of 6, it is a challenge with each of them having their own personalities, but she can be a great mom because she really knows the things that drive her children.
Shavone Riggins is the founder of Curlkalon Hair, a 7-figure earning hair product company and she has built this company from the ground up – while dealing with what life has thrown at her.
We talk about how she deals with stress, who is in her support circle, and how she communicates with her children when there is a lot going on. She prioritizes her life based on the season – and sometimes has to sacrifice certain things or activities when she’s truly focused on the most important tasks at hand.
She shares an e-book that she’s written – and it’s free, talking about how she decided to move in purpose, remove certain people and things from her life, and what steps she took to carry out something that is bigger than she is. I’ve shared the link below.
Shavone’s Bio
[bctt tweet=”Communication and finding that one on one space with your children is key. – Shavone Riggins” username=”Mommifaceted”] [bctt tweet=”That’s the key word, you have to sacrifice when you’re looking at prioritizing. – Shavone Riggins” username=”Mommifaceted”] [bctt tweet=”As we look at the complexities of our children, sometimes we’re different things at different times…it’s about seeing through love. – Shavone Riggins” username=”Mommifaceted”] [bctt tweet=”We’re taking the best of what we have and delivering it to our child, and that’s just the best we have. – Shavone Riggins” username=”Mommifaceted”]
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Shavone Riggins 5 Keys to Foundational Living e-book (and it’s free!)
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
[…] Riggins in episode 21 talked about sacrificing in different seasons – it’s a requirement to get to where you […]