Ok, after week 1 of being on quarantine and practicing safe social distancing – we’ve worn out the worksheets, coloring books, and everything recently released on Netflix. I’m sure we all need more things to do with your children at home!
But, the kids are home for who knows how long so we’ve got to start getting creative. I am still working during the day, so I have had to come up with activities that they can do by themselves and things we can do quickly while taking breaks.
Here are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing – and those kids going while we’re home.
1. Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
When was the last time you did a scavenger hunt? They can be brought back to life again when you’re doing them with kids because seeing life through their eyes is nothing but fun! They see things we don’t even pay attention to at times – so you don’t have to be super rigid. I just jot down a few random things and bring the list with us on a walk around our neighborhood. Then, ask my son to find each one. I almost never expect what he’s about to say.
One of the things I’ve realized with my son at daycare all day is that I don’t always know what new words he’s learning or what new thing he knows because the teacher taught him, not me! This is a great way to see everything he’s absorbed lately in a natural way.
2. Make your own chalk maze
Maybe you have a chalkboard wall or just an empty sidewalk – either way, creating a maze can literally take a few minutes if you make it simple and up to a few hours! I like to get some ideas on Pinterest first, then I grab the chalk and just let my mind wander. This has the same effect of coloring, in that it’s relaxing, but the benefit is that your kids can help create it and then try to solve it together.
3. Produce your own album
Ok, I know you probably don’t have a music studio in your basement or really anywhere in your house. But, you do have apps that you can probably get access to. Using this one allows you to record yourself and your kids singing your favorite songs and then you can make it sound like you were in a studio. Once you’ve got 5-6 hits – share them with your extended family! I’m sure they would love to hear your talents in a new way.
4. Let your children play teacher and you be the student
My son loves to boss me around! I wonder where he gets that from?
This week I let him have about 30 minutes on one of my breaks to play teacher and I was his student. I didn’t learn a whole lot education wise – but seeing him take authority and role play, using his imagination, and having a chance to think about something besides work in the middle of the day was absolutely needed!
Any of these ideas sound like something you can do this week or are there other things to do with your children at home? Share with a friend who may be in a rut and stuck with no idea what to do while in the house.
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