Darline and Rachel talk what it looks like to get some time away while dealing with things at home.
mom podcast
When We Feel Like Good Mothers
This week’s episode gets a little personal. Rachel and Darline share the singular moments when they feel like good mothers and what that actually means.
That time you go over the edge
Darline and Rachel talk about the times when they have lost a little patience in motherhood. We’ve all been there, here’s how we handle it.
How Well Do You Really Know Yourself?
Rachel and Darline talk about what they really need and how that comes from really knowing themselves well.
Are We Spoiling Our Kids Too Much?
What is the difference between exposing your child to luxury and spoiling them? Darline and Rachel discuss their opinions and how they try not to go overboard.
Our Kids Aren’t The Burden of Motherhood
Darline and Rachel talk about the burden of being a motherhood and not making our children feel that they are the cause of the burden. It’s not an easy thing!