Kristel David is a mom of 5 girls who works hard to stay connected to each daughter and her husband.
She used to work in hustle mode – head down and let the kids play. But she realized that she couldn’t hustle like she was doing and continue missing what was going on with the kids. It’s awareness that has helped her to change her habits so that she is more present with her children.
Now, when she stops working she does a simple 3 minute thing that helps her switch hats to present mommy mode. Listen to find out what it is she does.
Clearly God knows I’m a grower, so He knew I would find my way to this point and make me figure it out.
Kristel David
We talk about gender roles, how she helps her kids learn God and other lessons she wants her daughters to learn.
Free gift from Kristel!
Have you ever felt like you have it all, or at least all your basic needs covered, but there’s more. You have ideas and things you want to do but have no idea where to begin or if you’re even capable of pulling them off…
Imagine a life where you wake up and go to sleep excited to jump into the life you are creating!
It’s time to be your true authentic self and learn to let go of the past not serving you, guard yourself from outside opinions and expectations and push thru any fear holding you back.
Are you ready to find out who SHE is?
This will require you to do some deep work, but I promise you, once you have completed the guide, your days will become those of inspiration, balance, and purpose; and your nights of peace and fulfillment.
Download this Free Guide Now. Purpose is not found, it is within. It is you becoming your best Self
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